Local push notifications are a great way to enrich your user’s experience within your apps & games. As local notifications are platform-dependent and there are no Qt APIs available yet, they were hard to integrate – until today!

After a lot of feedback & plugin requests we are glad to release a new plugin: Local Notifications for iOS & Android


With our new Qt 5 Notifications Plugin you can easily add local notifications from within your QML code with just a couple of lines:

import VPlay.plugins.notification 1.0

Window {

NotificationManager {
id: notificationManager

Button {
onClicked: {
notificationManager.schedule({ message: "Notification from Felgo Plugin";
timeInterval: 3600 })


To learn more about local push notifications and their benefits for your app follow this link:



As always, we hope you enjoy the new plugin and look forward to some feedback and happy Qt 5-based apps & games with local push notifications!

To stay up to date with future Felgo plugin announcements and promotions follow @vplayplugins on Twitter and subscribe to the Felgo Plugin Newsletter.