We are happy to announce that Felgo will attend as a sponsor for the Rust Oxidize Conference 2024 in Berlin from May 28th to 30th!

The Oxidize Event

This conference is an excellent opportunity for anyone interested in learning more about industrial Rust and its community. Whether you're an experienced Rust developer or just starting your journey, there's something for everyone.

Day 1 is packed with workshops, covering everything from Rust and Slint basics to building real-time and safety-critical systems. Days 2 and 3 will feature a great lineup of talks and sessions from industry leaders and Rust experts.

Gain insights into real-world Rust applications, explore libraries and frameworks, and stay up to date in the Rust ecosystem. Follow this link to see the agenda in more detail: https://oxidizeconf.com/

Felgo Demos & Talk at the Oxidize 2024

Felgo is well known for its vast experience with Qt and QML development. But we are also keen to learn new technologies and broaden our knowledge. That’s why we have worked on a Home Automation Rust and Slint demo and will present this live at our booth at the Oxidize conference. We also share our learnings and compare Slint with QML.

Make sure to join David’s talk "Exploring Slint as a Rust alternative to QML for GUI development" on Thursday at 10:40.

Felgo Oxidize Talk QML Rust Slint

In this session, David will delve into Slint and explore its potential for developing user interfaces for Rust applications from a Qt and QML background. Whether you are a seasoned QML developer or simply curious about the future of Rust UIs, this talk is for you.

Get in Touch

Do not miss the chance to connect with us! Drop by our booth to see demos, discuss Rust development, and share your thoughts.

If you need help with a specific project challenge or are still looking for a ticket, reserve a personalized meeting here:

Book a Meeting

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