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Qt on iOS and ITMS-91053 NSPrivacyAccessedAPITypes Error

If you develop a Felgo or Qt app for iOS and upload it to the app store via AppStore Connect, you may face a new Apple warning e-mail these days: We noticed one or more issues with a recent [...]

May 7, 2024

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Felgo Hot Reload 1.2.0: Load from Cache, Auto-Connect from Command Line, Improved QML Reload and Qt 6.7 Support

The Felgo QML Hot Reload release 1.2.0 brings additional options on the connection screen, command line arguments, several QML Hot Reload improvements, and an overhauled user interface. Read on to [...]

Apr 24, 2024

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Felgo Hot Reload: Enhance your Qt Project Development with QML Code Reload

Felgo specializes in unique Qt products and tools to develop fast and efficiently. QML Hot Reload is one of them, and it transforms the way you develop Qt Quick applications. The Felgo Hot Reload [...]

Jan 25, 2024

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QML Extension for Visual Studio Code: Develop Qt Quick with VS Code and QML Hot Reload

Visual Studio Code ranks #1 among the most popular development tools in the annual developers survey of Stack Overflow. More than 70% of all participants use this code editor for development. And [...]

Jan 11, 2024

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Top 4 Embedded Operating Systems with Examples (2024 Update)

Nowadays technology is an integral part of our lives and we can find electronic devices all around us. The hardware is getting cheaper and faster with time and now we can start experimenting with the [...]

Jan 1, 2024

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What are the Best Practices of Qt on Mobile (2024 Update)

What makes an app marketable? There are many requirements that an app needs to meet to be successful. In this article, you can learn the best practices of developing successful apps with Qt on mobile [...]

Jan 1, 2024

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Publish an App on Google Play: 10 Easy Steps (2024 Update)

Have you ever wondered how to Publish an app on google play? Even though you can now make cross-platformappsandgames, you need to know how to release them on platform-specific stores. The [...]

Jan 1, 2024

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5 Most Popular Programming Languages & Paradigms (2024 Update)

What are the programming languages in general? They are nothing more than a set of semantic and syntactic rules like normal languages. The only difference is that they describe how to build proper [...]

Jan 1, 2024

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20 Free & Secure Alternatives to Parse Push Service (2024 Update)

Since Facebook announced the end of Parse, we’ve been looking at the best alternatives for sending push notifications.Push notifications are an essential tool for engaging and retaining users. [...]

Jan 1, 2024

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18 Qt, QML and Felgo Tutorials & Resources for Beginners (2024 Update)

If you’re new to Felgo or coding, then you’re most likely new to Qt and QML too. Qt and QML go hand in hand along with Felgo to help you make cross-platform apps in just a few days. Although it’s the [...]

Jan 1, 2024

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