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Embed a Custom Qt View in Native Android and iOS Applications with Felgo and Qt

The flexibility to integrate Qt and QML with any platform or system is a powerful advantage if you want to move towards cross-platform development. For example, you can extend your Android or iOS [...]

Mar 31, 2022

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Release 3.9.2: WhatsApp Messenger Demo, Clear the Live Reload Cache and Control the App Navigation Flow

The Felgo 3.9.2 update shows you how to create a messenger app like WhatsApp and brings many new features for Felgo Live and the Felgo SDK.

Dec 1, 2021

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How to Integrate Qt WebAssembly (WASM) and the Browser using JavaScript

The introduction of WebAssembly on most major browsers around 2017 opened up a new world of possibilities. Apps and libraries written in languages other than JavaScript, like C++, Rust, C#, Go and [...]

Oct 6, 2021

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Dark Mode with Qt on iOS and Android using Felgo Native Code Components

If you want to offer an exceptional user experience, one of the features to add is “Dark Mode”. For those not familiar, dark mode is a device setting, which indicates that apps should show their UI [...]

Sep 22, 2021

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Release 3.9.1: Publish Qt Apps as Android App Bundle on Google Play and Configure Icon Sizes in the Felgo Theme

Since August 2021, Google requires the Android App Bundle to publish apps on the Play Store. But don’t worry: Qt and Felgo are ready to let you build and upload new releases without a sweat!

Aug 4, 2021

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Release 3.9.0: Improved UX with Overlays & Tooltips and WebAssembly Browser Communication

Felgo 3.9.0 is out, and it’s packed with features! Take advantage of easy WebAssembly browser communication using JavaScript, integrate overlays & tool tips, and use Google AdMob with ad tracking [...]

Jul 1, 2021

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Felgo's YouTube Channel for Qt: Watch the Best Talks, Felgo Webinars and Qt/QML Tutorials

Felgo specializes in fast and high-quality mobile, desktop, and embedded application development by enhancing Qt with unique and useful tools, components and services. To help you find the best [...]

Jun 17, 2021

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Qt on iOS and the ITMS-90338 Non-Public API usage for __ZN3WTF8pageSizeEv

Apple recently began rejecting iOS apps built with Qt because of the non-public API usage for __ZN3WTF8pageSizeEv.

Apr 15, 2021

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Release 3.8.0: Call Native APIs from QML with JavaScript, Build for the Raspberry Pi and Update to Qt 5.15.2

Felgo 3.8.0 adds Native Code Components to access native iOS and Android features from QML using JavaScript. This removes the need for wrappers and boilerplate code when working with native APIs in [...]

Mar 4, 2021

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Felgo Cloud IDE: Enhance your Qt Development with Lifecycle Management and Develop Qt & QML Online

Control your app lifecycle with features like issue tracking, and rely on a cloud-based build environment for your releases. Prototype your demos online, showcase ideas, or handle customer requests [...]

Feb 4, 2021

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